Okay, so I guess I've been so busy I kinda stopped blogging for awhile. So that makes me remiss, or amiss or in "remission"? ... Anyway, I missed it and all of a sudden I come back and find I have 3, count them, 3 followers now instead of my 1 (okay, so she's my daughter :-)
Welcome to my two new followers, and welcome to anybody else who wants to read these blatherings. I know what I write is probably only interesting to me, but, oh whell!
Do you realize how much we all affect each other? I was just thinking about that. You know how much we as parents affect our children, and of course spouses affect each other. It goes without saying that we teachers hope that we have positive effects on our students. I have been affected a lot by my own children, and of course my sweet grandson. I have been changed by my colleagues at school and my students, as well. Even in subtle ways, we can be affected by those we are with for even short times. If the grocery clerk smiles or snaps at you, you're affected for the rest of the day. But for the long term, it's just important to know that what you do or say can be making a difference in the lives of many others around you, not just yourself. You are affecting your spouse, your children, your parents, your co-workers, your students, your pets???, the clerks you buy things from, the other drivers on the road, in short, everyone around you. Wow! What an awesome responsibility when you think about it!