Sunday, November 30, 2008

All Decorated!

Well, now that the tree is up and decorated, I feel much better about things. Thanks to John and Erika for that! Thanksgiving, wedding anniversary, and the colonoscopy are behind me (in order of importance, of course) And sadly, John and Erika have gone home and I have that feeling of hollowness down deep inside like I always do after one of my kids leaves me.

The old, fake tree doesn't look too bad after all - a little skimpy compared to the fat mountain-grown Fraser Firs we've been having for 16+ years, but it's very symmetrical, I must say that for it. It's a good foot shorter than I'm used to, and we used a whole string of lights less and almost a box fewer ornaments. But there's more room in the living room this way. And we don't really need much room for gifts anyway this year. It still gives us the beautiful aura of Christmas, and John and Erika and I had a wonderful afternoon Saturday with the Carols and the hot chocolate laced with candy canes and chili powder. Mmmmmmmm! Missed you, Rachel.

Now it's back to the work world for a few weeks. But in less than a month I'll be visiting my very sweet grandbaby. What can I say about that except I CAN HARDLY WAIT! See you soon, DANO!


Hamlette (Rachel) said...

Ieeee! Tell me you didn't use the chili powder and the candy canes in the same mugs of hot chocolate!

Unless, of course, you liked it that way. But I usually stick with one or the other ;-)

Hope to have my tiny tree up by the end of the week.

Rachel Kovaciny said...

I tagged you tonight on my Huggermugger blog. Feel free to play if you wanna :-) Here's the post:

Julie said...

I've never tried chili powder in my hot chocolate. I'll have to give it a shot.
I'm glad you put a tree up. My parents stopped when they moved into their little house. They say it's now my responsibility to have the "family tree". But I still sneak decorations out there.:)